Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Make a beautiful book 15% off at Blurb no minimum

Make a beautiful book (with a little help from your friends)!
(sponsored post)


Want to make a really special gift for someone? I always recommend making them a beautiful photo book. But the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Here’s some advice on how to make a beautiful birthday or anniversary book from my friends at Blurb (with examples from the book “Our Life” by Pandora Frazier).

This is the big one. A “this is your life” photo book. A book you’ll put together to present to a really special person in your life, at a really special point in their life. 50th birthday, 50th anniversary, a wedding, a memorial—life’s big events look even bigger when you present a gift that’s a tribute to them, full of heartfelt stories and personal photographs from their most loved ones. Sound a little complicated? It’s not, especially when you have people on your book-making team (and handy instructions from Blurb).

Gather your siblings, some special friends, or a group of talented coworkers and get started on the book of a special person’s lifetime.

Here’s exactly how you can get a group together to make it work:


  1. Choose a team of people to help you with your book
  2. Have your team contact friends and family of your special person to collect stories and photos about them
  3. Choose which stories and photos you actually want to use
  4. Edit the stories and scan the photos
  5. Lay out your book with text boxes and photo pages
  6. Get feedback from your team and make final edits
Order your book now and get 15% off no-minimum with code PRINTBOOK15%.

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